
Procrastination is one of my biggest flaws! I struggle with allotting enough time to get to one location to another. I’m always in a rush to get out the door when I have to be somewhere at a certain time. In my head, I tell myself I have plenty of time to get ready, so I put it off. When the time comes, I realized I don’t have enough time to get all dolled up with my hair and make-up done to look presentable because of my procrastination. In that case, I just get dressed fast, through my hair up, and walk out the door. When I was in grade school from the time that I can remember I would get homework assignments that involved research papers, biograph, or five paragraph essays that would be due within a week. I remember putting them off until the night before scrambling to complete the assignments staying up late and getting very little sleep. In retrospect, had I done a little bit of the assignment each day I would not have been feeling like a zombie the next day falling asleep in my other classes missing out on informative information. I know my assignments would have been more presentable! To think I would have learned my lesson from the first bad grade I received due to procrastinating, but I didn’t. I feel like procrastination was my middle name even through college. Growing up my mother was always late for everything. It seemed like she couldn’t be on time for anything. Unfortunately, I follow in my mother’s footsteps, but I try to work on it every day! Some days are better than others.

Do you know what procrastination is? Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. How are you with procrastination? Do you struggle with procrastination on the daily? According to research about 20% of the population make up for being a habitual procrastinator. Psychologists have identified various drivers of procrastination, from low self-confidence to anxiety, a lack of structure, and, simply, an inability to motivate oneself to complete unpleasant tasks. Research has also shown that procrastination is closely linked to rumination or becoming fixated on negative thoughts. Procrastination may relieve pressure in the moment, but it can have steep emotional, physical, and practical costs. It's possible to overcome procrastination but it takes considerable effort. Changing a habitual behavior consumes a lot of psychic energy, but engaging in highly structured regimen of cognitive behavioral therapy is one approach that has worked for many. In the short term, some cognitive tricks can help people complete discrete tasks.


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