
Have you ever been bullied? Getting bullied constantly can be very draining mentally! Unfortunately, there are adults who are bullies when they should be setting a good example to the youth. I work with a bully from time to time which is no fun, and I have been dealing with the same individual for the last two years off and on. The last time I worked with this individual they got into my face and was pointing their finger in my face in front of others. I didn’t engage with the individual because it was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also, there wasn’t a manager on duty that I could report to, but luckily there were other team members around who saw what happened. I do have low self-esteem and most likely would not have stood up to this individual or any individual for that matter, but I am constantly working on that to better myself! I called the manager at the end of my shift and told her what happened. The manager apologized to me to what happened, and she was also sorry that she couldn’t intervein and stop the issue. When I went home, I was mentally drained. Drained from all the scenarios going through my head of what I could have done differently whether it was acting or saying. This situation literally consumed me for the remaining of the day. I felt blah, had zero desired to do anything, I just wanted to lay in my bed and watch television. Honestly, I feel like the only reason this happened was because there was no manager on duty and the individual had their chance to take advantage of the situation. It’s truly a shame because this individual is in their 50’s and knows better, or so you would think! It has been a week now and nothing has come of it, and I have been removed from this situation.

Bullying is a distinctive pattern of repeatedly and deliberately harming and humiliating others, specifically those who are smaller, weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. Bullying can involve verbal attacks (name-calling and making fun of others) as well as physical ones, threats of harm, other forms of intimidation, and deliberate exclusion from activities. One out of every five individuals have experienced being bullied or are still being bullied. Individuals who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, negative effect on how they feel about themselves, their relationships with others are hindered, and their physical health could be at risk. Unfortunately, bullies don’t see the internal damage it does on their victums. All bullies see is the satisfaction they get when they are caught up in the act. It’s very important to STICK UP for yourself and try to avoid being a target.



