
Self-doubt causes us to fear new opportunities, and we lose motivation to grow because of it. It can occur due to multiple reasons, such as lack of confidence, lack of knowledge, past experiences, or comparison. Over 85% of people suffer from self-doubt. So many times, we compare our potential and confidence to those around us, yet they too are doubting themselves. Doubting ourselves stops us from taking on new risks and opportunities, it can keep us stuck where we are, and it can cause us to feel paralyzed.

Common types of self- doubt are:

  1. Imposter syndrome which is the fear of not being enough or seeing one as a fraud. It is estimated that 70 percent of people will experience this at least once in their lifetime. In a situation, you will constantly feel like no matter how much you are accomplishing, you feel like you are still not as good as those around you. Imposter syndrome can affect anyone, from a first-year college student to the most successful CEO, regardless of job or social status. Sometimes this can last for a short period of time in individuals, or it can last a lifetime in individuals.

  2. Self-sabotage which is to downplay and undermine your goals and success. You know that you have an objective that you are passionate about, but you do things that negatively affect your path to those goals (both unconsciously and consciously). The causes range from childhood issues to prior relationship effects. Other reasons for this type of destructive behavior vary from low self-esteem and coping problems. Another reason could be due to cognitive dissonance which is the mental discomfort you may have holding two conflicting ideas at the same time.

  3. Overthinking involves thinking about a certain topic or situation excessively, analyzing it for long periods of time. There are many ways to overthink, but one of the most common can lead to indecisiveness. It can affect your personal and professional life because you are not listening to yourself. You start to lose sight of what is happening at the moment because you take yourself to a situation where only wrong can happen. Overthinking can create an endless cycle of stress and worry, which can ultimately cause you to feel less prepared, motivated, and confident. It can also play a role in mental health issues like anxiety and depression, so it is important to find ways to break out of such destructive thought patterns.

Self-doubt can be reduced, or even eliminated when the proper coping skills are learned and used periodically. Going to therapy on a weekly basis will definitely help with the self-doubt you may have on yourself. I am one of the 85% who experiences self-doubt unfortunately. Learning who I am through therapy has helped me out a lot and has helped guide me into the right direction. 




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