Finding Time for Yourself as a Parent During the Summer

Summer is a time of year that brings a mix of excitement and challenges, especially for parents. With school out, routines disrupted, and children at home, finding time for yourself can seem nearly impossible. However, carving out personal time during these busy months is crucial for your well-being. Here are some strategies to help you balance parenting responsibilities while still enjoying some much-needed "me" time.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

First and foremost, acknowledge that your usual routine will change. Set realistic expectations about what you can accomplish each day. Understand that some days might be more hectic than others, and that's okay. By adjusting your mindset, you can reduce frustration and focus on making the best of the situation.

2. Create a Flexible Schedule

Flexibility is key during summer. While a rigid schedule might not work, a flexible one can provide structure without being too restrictive. Plan daily activities with your children but include blocks of time where they can entertain themselves. Use these windows to enjoy your own activities, whether it’s reading a book, exercising, or simply relaxing.

3. Involve Your Kids in Planning

Engage your children in planning their daily activities. When they have a say in what they do, they are more likely to be occupied and content. Create a list of fun activities, from outdoor games to crafts and educational projects, that they can choose from. When they are busy with their chosen activities, you can take a break for yourself.

4. Take Advantage of Early Mornings or Late Evenings

If possible, adjust your schedule to find quiet moments either early in the morning or later in the evening. Waking up even 30 minutes before the kids can give you a peaceful start to the day. Similarly, once the children are in bed, you can unwind and do something you enjoy.

5. Arrange Playdates and Activities

Organize playdates with other parents to share the load. When your kids are at a friend’s house, you gain free time for yourself. Alternatively, consider enrolling your children in summer camps or local classes that interest them. This provides them with enriching experiences and gives you a break.

6. Encourage Independent Play

Fostering independent play is beneficial for both you and your children. Create a safe and stimulating environment where they can explore and play on their own. Set up activity stations with toys, books, and art supplies. While they play independently, take that time for a personal breather.

7. Utilize Technology Wisely

While screen time should be limited, educational apps and programs can be a helpful tool. Select high-quality, age-appropriate content that can engage your kids productively. This can free up some time for you to focus on your interests.

8. Combine Activities

Find ways to combine activities that involve your children and your interests. For example, if you enjoy yoga, include your kids in a family yoga session. If you like gardening, teach them how to plant and take care of a garden. This way, you share quality time while doing something you enjoy.

9. Ask for Help

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. Having someone else take over for a while can give you the chance to recharge. It's important to communicate your needs and make use of your support system.

10. Practice Self-Care

Lastly, remember that taking care of yourself is crucial. Prioritize self-care activities that refresh and rejuvenate you. Whether it’s a hobby, a workout, or simply resting, ensure you’re doing something that helps you feel good.


Finding time for yourself as a parent during the summer is a challenge, but it’s not impossible. By being flexible, involving your children in planning, and making the most of support systems, you can carve out personal time amidst the busy summer schedule. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential not only for your well-being but also for being the best parent you can be.


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